Become A Member:

Your donation enables us to steward our properties, administer our Education Programs, and build awareness of the importance of vital open space in Norwalk.  Please fill out our Membership Form, and mail to:

Norwalk Land Trust
P. O. Box 34
Norwalk, CT  06853

wheelbarrowguyVolunteer Your Services:

The Norwalk Land Trust is an all-volunteer organization.  We have an energetic group of volunteers who enjoy working together.  We’d love to have you join us.  You’ll be glad you did. Dates of our cleanups are on our Facebook page and on the News/Events page of this site.  Please fill out our Contact Us form so we can let you know about upcoming cleanup dates.  If you’re free on that date, we’d appreciate your help.  We provide gloves, grabbers, and bags.

Invasive Species Control:

Some of our properties can be overwhelmed by invasive species, crowding out native plants that are beneficial to birds and other wildlife.  A good example is Hoyt’s Island, where we are creating a bird sanctuary.  In this case, the invasive winged euonymus was crowding out low bush blueberries.  Twenty volunteers were ferried to Hoyt’s Island on a beautiful day and did a great job of clearing out the invasive species.  If you’d like to volunteer for Invasive Species Control, please click here.

Education Programs: Outdoor Classroom for 4th Graders

Norwalk Land Trust offers a class presentation and field trip to the 4th grade elementary schools in Norwalk.  We visit classrooms with a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation, geared to the science curriculum.  Then, there is a follow-up field trip to Farm Creek Preserve for a hands-on experience. Groups of 5-7 children and a trained field guide explore the wetlands, highlands and open meadows of Farm Creek.  Please click here if you’d like to volunteer to help out with this highly regarded education program.  We would be happy to train you to become a field guide for the Outdoor Classroom.


Donate Land:  

In addition to helping create open space, your gift of land may have tax advantages for you. There are two ways to donate land:

1. Gift or bequeath your land
2. Grant a conservation easement to the Norwalk Land Trust.  You retain ownership but all rights to future development are terminated.

Contact us for details and a discussion with our legal counsel.

Financial Contribution:

Gift Donations  

A gift to the Norwalk Land Trust is a wonderful gift to for the person who has everything, or who loves nature and its preservation.  For the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries.

Memorial Gifts    Pay tribute to a loved one with a gift to the Norwalk Land Trust.

Legacy Gifts     A number of people have put bequests in their wills to benefit the work of the Norwalk Land Trust.  It’s a wonderful way to celebrate a love of nature and interest in the preservation of open space.

If your company has a matching gifts program, we qualify.

Tax Deductions:  

The Norwalk Land Trust is a tax-exempt corporation as designated by the Internal Revenue Service. In almost all cases, financial donations, or donations of land or easements can yield important tax advantages (income, estate and property) to donors. Land donation may provide substantial income tax deductions and estate tax benefits. The tax benefits from any donation depend greatly on your individual tax situation.  Please consult with your tax advisor for a complete analysis of how a donation to the Norwalk Land Trust would affect your taxes.