“Get to the Norwalk Green without your machine!” Walk or bike with a guided tour and leave your car behind:
“HISTORIC WALKING TOUR”: Join guide Nancy Rosett from the Norwalk River Valley Trail departing from City Hall (meet at Sunset Hill Ave. entrance) at 10:30am, for a walking tour along the Harbor Loop up to the Mill Hill historic herb garden, then to the Green for Earth Day festivities.
“WALL STREET WALKING TOUR”: Join Jim Travers, Director of the City of Norwalk Department of Transporation, Mobility & Parking for a guided walking tour along Wall Street! Departing from Norwalk Library (corner of Belden Ave. and Mott St.) at 11:15am, walk along Wall Street and up historic Lewis Street to The Green.
“SONO BIKE TOUR”: Join Brian Boland from the Norwalk Bike Co-op for a bike ride from South Norwalk to The Green. Departing from South Norwalk Library at 11:00am. Ride on the Norwalk River Valley Trail up to the new section at Belden Ave., along the new Harbor Loop trail to Wall St. and up to The Green. See map here: