The Norwalk Land Trust is an all-volunteer organization. We have an energetic group of volunteers who enjoy working together. We’d love to have you join us. You’ll be glad you did. Dates of our cleanups are on our Facebook page and on the News/Events page of this site. Please fill out our Contact Us form so we can let you know about upcoming cleanup dates. If you’re free on that date, we’d appreciate your help. We provide gloves, grabbers, and bags.
Invasive Species Control
Some of our properties can be overwhelmed by invasive species, crowding out native plants that are beneficial to birds and other wildlife. A good example is Hoyt’s Island, where we are creating a bird sanctuary. In this case, the invasive winged euonymus was crowding out low bush blueberries. Twenty volunteers were ferried to Hoyt’s Island on a beautiful day and did a great job of clearing out the invasive species.
Education Programs: Outdoor Classroom for 4th Graders
Norwalk Land Trust offers a class presentation and field trip to the 4th grade elementary schools in Norwalk. We visit classrooms with a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation, geared to the science curriculum. Then, there is a follow-up field trip to Farm Creek Preserve for a hands-on experience. Groups of 5-7 children and a trained field guide explore the wetlands, highlands and open meadows of Farm Creek. We would be happy to train you to become a field guide for the Outdoor Classroom.
Norwalk Land Trust
PO Box 34
Norwalk, CT 06853
[email protected]

As an entirely volunteer-run organization, donations and memberships are the backbone of the Norwalk Land Trust. With your support and membership we'll be able to better fulfill our mission to acquire land and preserve it in its natural state for the benefit of Norwalk, CT, residents now and forever.